5 Nigeria Uber Jobs You Can Do And Their Monthly Salary

Nigeria Uber driver

Nigeria Uber Jobs are flexible job alternatives for guys seeking for extra cash. Nevertheless, it can be classified as a primary employment. This is related to the growth of the economy in Nigeria. Despite the economic difficulty in Nigeria, Uber offers varieties of career options in Nigeria to help fight the unemployment. So, if you … Read more

Django Allowed Host : How To Set Allowed_Host In Django

django allowed host

Setting up allowed host is a good practice to stop hackers or attackers from entering your website . Now if you set Debug = False in development or production you must specify the host which your website must be reached with. Assuming you have developed your site and you are ready to push it online … Read more

Django Superuser : How To Create Superuser In Django

ow to create django website using android phone

Django superuser is a very powerful tool which provide us with many things as a user. In django a user can be allowed to be a superuser or a staff or just a user. in this same aspect when a user is just a staff some roles can be assigned to the user with explicit … Read more

Django Slug Field : How To Auto Populate Django Slug

django slug field

In this tutorial we are going to use django slug field in our url instead of id. Therefore we will implement this in such a way that we will be able to auto populate slug when ever we are typing anything in the title. What is slugfield in Django. Slug is a process by which a … Read more

Django Gmail – How To Send Email In Django

how to send email in django

Although Python provides how to send email in Django interface via the smtplib module,but Django provides a couple of light wrappers over it. These wrappers are provided to make sending email extra quick, to help test email sending during development, and to provide support for platforms that can’t use SMTP. If you are not familar with django … Read more

How To Create A Django Website Using Android Phone

ow to create django website using android phone

How you ever wondered if you create a website using just phone? In this tutorial i will walk you through on how to create Django website using android phone. Do you know that your smartphone can do better even what your laptop is doing? Have you been looking for how to develop a website but … Read more

How To Create Django Dynamic And Static Sitemap For Your Website

django dynamic and static sitemaps

How to create a dynamic sitemaps in django have you asked yourself how To Create Django Dynamic And Static Sitemap For Your Website? Have you tried to index your site on search engine but you dont know how to do with it? Creating a website from scratch is not easy so am going to work … Read more

How To Develop A Django Website Using Termux And Android

django heroku

How To Develop A Django Website Using Termux And Android ? Before we dive into designing a Django website using android let me explain what is python and Django. What is Python Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, … Read more

How To Successfully Deploy Django App On Heroku

django heroku

How to deploy Django app on Heroku? It is of no use after all the struggle of starting a website from scratch then you still can’t host it to the cloud so that it will be made public to every body. Before we continue we need to understand what heroku is all about and related … Read more